Tuesday, July 14, 2009

All Points West Festival 2009

This would sooo be worth coming out of retirement for! Alas, your very own TixGirl will be upstate planning her wedding (yes, wedding!), so I'll have to live vicariously through all of you who post your photos and vids online...

In the meantime, check out photos from last year's All Points West Fest, featuring Radiohead, CSS and Grizzly Bear.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The New TixGirl.com Under Construction

Greetings, loyal TixGirl readers. Thanks for your patience as we undergo what we ladies might call a radical facelift. That's right, we've migrated all our classic TixGirl.com content from AOL to Blogger, which has resulted in some slightly odd spacing for photos and videos. But thanks for your patience in awaiting TixGirl.com's return with all the latest breaking news you've come to expect: must-see tours, tickets going onsale, insider info on private gigs, and photos straight from the pit at my fave shows.

In the meantime, check out BrooklynVegan for the latest breakings. He's my go-to-guy for all things NY indie. Make him yours. And we'll see you back on the scene soon.

Your TixGirl, Ames