First, find the most unusual, buzzed-about venue in town. That way you know you can
front-load your fete with fabulous people, whether you've bothered to announce the
musical entertainment or not. They'll come just to satisfy their curiosity.
Second, curate a show featuring a carefully edited selection of artists, from hip-hop to
hipster, who are certain to get the party started. That way you're guaranteed of a far
more photogenic crowd in the next day's media coverage than if you'd hosted a
homogenous crowd of samesters from horizon to horizon.
Thus, the Fader Magazine Summer Music Party was born. The red velvet rope in and of
itself was a spectacle to behold. Thankfully, a press pass allowed your very own TixGirl
and crew to circumvent the sweaty and suspenseful crowd in line at the door, and head
straight into Spiegelworld.
Yes, Spiegelworld. It's a feature of the entertainment all on its own, with its unique
combination of refined antique sensibility, circus tent atmosphere, and breathtaking river
views stacked with vistas of bridge upon bridge upon bridge.
Originally built in Belgium in the 1920s, it's a miracle of art deco architecture and art
nouveau design that was built to be dismantled and moved from city to city on a whim, a
wind and a prayer. Within the Salon Perdu, the main Spiegeltent, you'll find teak wood
floors, stained glass, and over a thousand pieces of glass. I kid you not.
Get the full story about the Spiegeltent, including the complete lineup of summer shows
for 2007.
Among the masses of beautiful people outdoors were a collection of music insiders and
celeb DJs, including Diplo and Prince Language. Meanwhile, inside the crowd was
jumping to the sounds of old school hip-hop, from mic master DJ Quik. Yeah, definitely
look him up.
When Bonde Do Role rolled onstage, the vibe went from low rider to dance rap. As with
their fellow Brazilian countrywomen of CSS, half the fun of Bonde Do Role are their
wacky attitudes and boisterous onstage antics. Not quite as tight in their live show as the
music on their MySpace page implies, they are nevertheless a hell of a lot of fun to see
live. Though their music is sonically completely unrelated to DJ Quik, they are still
brethren, as rappers and a turntablist.
The Fader folks know how to curate a show to please the widest variety of celebrants.
Obviously they do -- it's their job. And they did it well.
About Bonde Do Role, I'll say this: they are f-u-n, fun. They may not be songwriters.
They may not be sophisticated. They may not be tight. But what they are is a pack of
three energetic performers who know how to entertain any size room. Feel like shaking
your ass and having a good laugh while you do it? Go see Bonde Do Role.
Thanks, Fader. Happy Anniversary to you!
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