no need to wait, when CMJ Music Marathon is just around the corner! That's right, the
East Coast's premiere indie music festival and resource for emerging artists is returning to
New York for its 2007 incarnation, 10/16 - 10/20.
During the day, conference attendees will have the opportunity to learn from the pros. But
it's when the sun goes down on the NY skyline that the party really starts. CMJ
showcases have been the coming out party for many of the last year's biggest buzz bands.
Among the breakout bands at CMJ 2006 were the crazy Brazilians of CSS and the lads
of Cold War Kids. Some of the hardest working bands at last year's fest, they played
multiple showcases -- often several in the same day. Their unstoppable dedication proved
that blood, sweat and tears will get you noticed by tastemakers, fans and the national
press, alike. Just look at them now!
>>L-R: CSS at Coachella 4/07; Illinois at Irving Plaza 5/07; Cold War Kids opening for Muse at Madison Square Garden 8/07
New artists will be added right up to the event, so keep an eye on this up-to-the-minute
listing of all the many wondrous bands on the CMJ Music Marathon lineup. In the
meantime, here's a handy list of all the bands already confirmed...
M.I.A. - Justice - Band Of Horses - Devin The Dude - St. Vincent - UNKLE - Dan Deacon - Datarock - British Sea Power - Professor Murder - Islands - Tiny Masters Of Today - Simian Mobile Disco - Bouncing Souls - Deerhunter - Flosstrodamus - Celebration - Yo Majesty - Cool Kids - Meat Puppets - Del The Funky Homosapien - A-Trak - Xiu Xiu - Z-Trip - Dirtbombs - Mute Math
1990s - AIDS Wolf - A Band Called Pain - A-Trak - Aa - Keith John Adams - Adept - The Affair - Air Traffic - The Airborne Toxic Event - The Akward Stage - The Alarmists - American Steel - Anathallo - The Apes - Apollo Heights - Arise and Ruin - Arizona - Asteroid #4 - Aux Raus - The Awkward Stage - Band of Horses - Bald Eagle - Tim Barry - Chris Bathgate - Bear in Heaven - Beat the Devil - Bella - Beneath The Sky - Big Bear - The Big Sleep - John Biz - The Black Hollies - Black Tie Revue - Blackpool Lights - Blammos - Bloodhorse - The Bones of Davey Jones - Bonk - Bouncing Souls - Bound Stems - Bowerbirds - Jay Brannon - Brighton, MA - Bring Back the Guns - British Sea Power - The Broken West - Brother Ali - The Brought Low - The Brunettes - Bryan Scary + the Shredding Tears - C-Mon and Kypski - Canada - The Capitol Years - The Capston Shafts - The Caribbean - Carolyn Mark - The Carter Administration - Casper and the Cookies - Catfish Haven - Celebration - Centro-matic - The Chapin Sisters - Chairlift - Chris Mills - Clockcleaner - Coheed And Cambria - The Color Fred - Colour Revolt - Connan And The Mockasins - The Contrast - Cotton Jones - Crystal Castles - Cut Off Your Hands - Damnation A.D. - Danava - Datarock - Christopher Denny - Deerhunter - De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig - The Dead Trees - The Dear Hunter - Dear Tonight - The Deleted Waveform Gatherings - Del The Funky Homosapien - Dengue Fever - Devin The Dude - Die Romantic - Dirtbombs - Division Day – Dorp – Dragonette – Dri - Driver Side Impact - Paul Duncan - Dynasty Handbag - Eagle*Seagull - Earthless - Ecstatic Sunshine - Eisley - Fake Problems - The Falcon - Farewell To Freeway - Fight Amp - FiGO - Fire When Ready - Fishboy - Flosstrodamus - Flying - Fog - The Forecast - Foreign Islands - Forget Cassettes - Fourth of July - Frank Jordan - Freddy And The Dials - Freya - Georgie James - Get Him Eat Him - The Get Quick - The Giraffes - Gowns - Grady - Adam Green - Ha Ha Tonka - Hallelujah The Hills - Health - Head Of Femur - Higgins - High Class Elite - The High Strung - Ho-Ag -Holly and the Italians - Hollywood Holt - Holy Fuck - Holy Hail - Hopewell - Hornet Leg - Hot Iqs - Hot Springs - House And Parish - The Hugs - Hunter Valentine - Ida - Ida Maria - iLIKETRAINS - Illinois - Imperial Teen - Innerpartysystem - The Insomniacs - the iOs - Irepress - Islands - The Jealous Girlfriends - Jennifer O'Connor - Jesu - Japanther - Javelina - Jay Reatard - The Jealous Girlfriends - Jennifer O'Connor - Jesu - Josie Cotton - Justice - Kavinsky - King Of Prussia - Mike Kinsella - Jesse Lacey & Vin Accardi - Le Loup - Les Breastfeeders - Lewis & Clarke - Lifetime - Little Birdy - Little Brother - The Little Girls - The Little Ones - The Loose Salute - The Loved Ones - The Lovemakers - M Coast - M.I.A. - The Maccabees - Made In Mexico - Malkovich - The Mall - Mannequin Men - Mates Of State - The Matches - Matt & Kim - The Meat Puppets - The Melismatics - The Mellowmen - MGMT - Mickey Hart & Zakir Hussein - The Midnight Show - Miss Georgia Peach - Mixel Pixel - Modico - Mohawk Lodge - Monomen - Monotonix - Moon + Moon - Monty Are I - Moros Eros - Mouser - Mr. Wix - MSTRKRFT - Mud - Mute Math - Nakatomi Plaza - The Narrator - Nashville Pussy - National Seashore - Neimo - The New Amsterdams - The New Dress - Nikki Corvette And The Stingrays - No Age - The Nobility- The Nouvellas - o'death - Octoberman - Octopus Project - Old Time Relijun - Palomar - Papercuts - Paper Rival - Cale Parks - Pattern is Movement - Peachcake - The Peekers - Permanent Me - The Photo Atlas - Picastro - Poison Control Center - Polar Bear Club - Polytechnic - The Ponys - Pre - Prince Paul / Baby Elephant - Professor Murder - Project Jenny/Project Jan - Pterodactyl - Robin Horlock Band - Robbers on High Street - Rock Plaza Central - Rock N' Roll - Rockethouse - Rodrigo Y Gabriela - Roman Numerals - Rosetta - Ruby Isle - Ruins - Saves the Day (acoustic) - Schoolyard Heroes - Tom Schraeder -Scissors for Lefty - Scotland Yard Gospel Choir - Scream Hello - Section Quartet - Shellshag - The Shaky Hands - Shock Cinema - Shout Out Out Out Out - Sightings - The Silos - Simian Mobile Disco - Single File - Slaraffenland - Slim Cessna's Auto Club - Smittens - Smoke or Fire - So Many Dynamos - Southeast Engine - Speck Mountain - Spoon - The Spores - Spouse - Status Green - St. Vincent - The Sterns - Marnie Stern - Super Monster - Sybris - Takka Takka - Team Robespierre -The Teeth - Teenage Prayers - Ana Ternheim - The Three-4-Tens- -Thunderheist - Tigerbearwolf - Tiny Masters Of Today - Torche - Total Fucking Destruction -Tulsa - Unique Chique - UNKLE - USSR - Velcro Stars - Vietnam - The Warlocks - We Are Wolves - We Vs. the Shark - Craig Wedren - The Whip - White Denim - Willie Wisely - Wild Light - Witch's Hat - Wizardzz - Wooden Shjips - Xiu Xiu - Yip Yip - Yo Majesty- Z-Trip
Want the final word on schedules and lineups?
Here's what the CMJ folks have to say:
"All the updates on showcase placements will be available at as soon as shows
are confirmed. The site will be updated frequently prior to the event. A complete schedule
is printed in the CMJ Music Marathon Festival Guide, which comes in your registration
goodie bag. The registration bags can be picked up during registration hours at
conference headquarters."
Convinced you should go? Here are some handy links:
--CMJ Registration
--CMJ Band Lineup
--CMJ Film Festival
--CMJ Panels
And don't forget the film festival! Be sure to catch "Greetings From The Shore,"
winning audience awards at film fests across the country. See if you can spot any
past CMJ bands in the soundtrack!
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