Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Tell Us What You Think: Agree with Ames' take on seeing Matisyahu? Feel like she must be deaf, dumb and blind? This is your chance to spout off and share your opinion.

Do you agree? Let us know if you see eye to eye.

Not sure what to say? Read our review to get started.

Got another set list? Post it here so we can compare shows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matisyahu- in my personal opinon, is a very talentd artist. My friends and I have not had one single complaint about him yet, and hopefully will never. He has acchived in so many ways, to get to where he is today, and I only hope that he will continue to succeed, with out getting caried away with the 'mishugaus'(crazyness)  that is out there today. *P.S- Your music rocks!!!!!