Yes, I've moved beyond the disbelief and anger stages, and finally reconciled myself with the fact that I won't be heading to Austin for SxSW this year. (*sob!*) Not quite the end of the world, but still totally worth feeling sorry for oneself over.
For those of you fortunate souls who ARE heading down to arguably the coolest town in the Southwest for arguably the coolest fest of the indie year, I'm happy to pass along the news that the lineup for the music portion of the fest has been nailed down and announced. If you've held off planning, it's time to get to it, boys and girls.
Go forth with...
--a festival lineup schedule
--a private party schedule
--a list of venues
--places to eat & booze it up
--a map
...forthwith! And bone up with this incredible guide to everything you'd ever want to know about SxSW: SxSW Baby. Seriously, it's jaw-droppingly complete, so go check it out.
Wait, what's that you say? You haven't registered? Well, Hell! Get ye to the Registration page, slowpoke! The fest takes place in just a couple weeks -- 3/14-3/18 -- and you're going to need those wristbands.
Enjoy, you lucky bastard. Meanwhile, I and the poor sods like me will be living vicariously through you. Think of us fondly while you're down there living the rock and roll life.
Remember, it's not just for yourself. You're living it for the rest of us, too.
HOT TIP: Be sure to catch the Elana James Trio, with local Austin heroine Elana James -- sometime Bob Dylan band member, Willie Nelson collaborator, and Hot Club of Cowtown swinging fiddle slinger and singer. (photo by City On Fire)
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